Thursday, April 7, 2011

Ahhhh..I love integration

What an interesting news we have lad!

Blackberry playbook supporting android apps

Last time I still remember a company "Myriad" announced in TMO(short for "" by Nokia NX00 community forum) to develop an application to support dalvik(java virtual runtime for android OS) for Maemo. The downside is the release will be in a paid apps.Yes, in other words, not FREE!

But, we still have alternative which we can resort to brudder Alexey Roslyakov, lead developer for NITDroid. Yes, I can run Android on my N900 and enjoy every benefits the Android had. Only problem is the phone functionality are still in development as it piggtailed Meego project. So I'm hoping when the Meego Dev Edition for N900 released, N900 can enjoy the Android port will call/sms functions.

With integration, we can made our life getting simpler and simpler even though the technology rapidly running. Ahhh, I remember our old timer lads get a business run with calculator in bag, notepad in front pocket, newspaper on armpit(despite old style, its unchanged since 17th centuries!) and etc etc.Now, we can sip a cup of coffee reading NST while waiting friend to check in via foursquares and listening to favourites song in Ipad..ahhh I love integration~

Tips terbaek! pasal uptime

Ade terpikir x brape lame PC yg korang tgh ngadap 2 idop? Haa, meh sini aku nak share sket sebab aku pn baru terjumpa tip yang terbaek! ni. Command ni applied on Windows XP Pro jer. Yang laen2 versi tu nanti aku citer.

Okeh, simply put:

  1. Tekan combo (Window + R).
  2. Taip cmd iaitu "melarikan" command prompt (BM klu translate mmg terbaek!)
  3. Pastu taip Systeminfo | Find "Up Time" 


Simple kan? Tapi ni terbaek! kat Windows XP Pro jer. Untuk WinXP Home plak malangnye command nie xde sapot (Macam tu lah MaikelSoft nye idea. All homies are noobies). Fret not, ade alternativenya tapi nie leh pakai kat PC yang ade network connection/Internet. Okeh, camnie caranya:

 tgk kt taskbar belah kanan. mesti ade gmba pc tgh buttsect(LOLZ)

 Double click kt ikon tu dan nanti Windows akan kluarkn 1 tetingkap

So, kiter leh tau uptime PC tu based on pada brape lama PC tu connected pada network/Internet secara roughly sebab network connection tu biasanya establish dlu br windows run. Terbaek! kan?

Kalau windows Vista/7 plak?

Windows Vista/7 lebih terbaek! sebab feature nieh dh dimplement kt dalam Task Manager. Bukak task manager pastu cek kt performance nye tab.